Adversity to Freedom
I would like to testify to the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Ministry of Rebecca and David Erlank. I had been following there ministry for the last two years and watched all the Profecies and videos posted on You Tube and I knew in my heart the Ministry was set up and led by God.
When there was a call to request a person to be a Lighthouse for there area and join a prayer group focused on the same the Holy Spirit led me to join . I did not know at this stage what was ahead of me but I knew I was doing God’s Will. After the chapters were being released one by one by the new book written by Rebecca I started to see the cracks, shortfalls and baggage I have carried around for years and the sin that was binding my spirit from total freedom. I sought prayer from David and Rebecca and was delivered from spirit of fear, aniexty, anger, bitterness and later rejection and shame. The prayer was the platform to release my spirit from these demon forces binding my soul for all these years. For me surrender in full was the key to full deliverance. Now I have had some very hard moments to bear with as well since the prayer and there is a daily surrender and putting on the full armour of God but this is the only way to true peace and happiness.
When you read the book your own life experiences flash by as you bear witness to similar experiences in your own life.
I recently had a very bad week where Satan tried to tell me I was not committed enough to the Group I was a failure etc etc and I exited the Group. If only I can explain the emptiness pain and anxiety in return I begged to be reinstated.
The weak must confess they are strong despite the challenges but I believe 100% in the Ministry and Calling of David and Rebecca and humbly submit to the same . Blessings to all