Nehemiah Community Leaders Project

The Father has led us to begin a community project in South Africa that will teach leaders to become self-sustainable. We have received many prophetic words about a coming famine, and God wants to prepare the believers as He prepared Joseph in Egypt, to survive when the lean years come.
We therefore have a very specific mandate and vision from the Lord as to what we need to do. We are training and facilitating leaders in every community in South Africa to learn how to plant and grow food, as well as make all their own necessary products like medicines and toiletries. We are facilitating the acquisition of everything that is needed for these leaders to become successfully self-sustainable. We are also training our leaders in their faith to trust God above all else when things get difficult, as faith is a very important part of this journey.
The Lord has been clear in His instruction to us, telling us to ensure that communities will work together, as this will ensure success. Therefore, we have to ensure that all leaders can work with people and facilitate the growth of self-sustainability within their own communities.
The entire project is completely dependent upon the hand of the Lord guiding us and providing everything that we may need. We will obey Him every step of the way, as then we will make our way prosperous, and we will be successful. We are going back to His ways and learning how to cultivate our land and grow our food in the way that the Father intended.
In understanding our vision, we desire to work with leaders that will help us achieve the vision and be submitted to the instructions that God has given us. We desire each leader to have the same passion burning within them to see their communities have food security during difficult times. This is a calling for those who are willing to put their own needs last and think of others more. Becoming a leader with Inspired by Elohim ministries in the Nehemiah Community Project, means you have decided to do whatever it takes to serve your community and help them live through a time that will be extremely difficult for all of the human race.
If this is speaking to your heart and you would like to volunteer for this project, please send us an email @
Our project will give you access to an online course filled with so much information. You do not need any experience! You will learn about soil, composting, worm farming and making your own products, medicines and food. Our leaders will be guided step by step along the way to ensure they are successful!
When God calls us, He surely equips us!
This project is focused on individuals in their various communities as well as churches. If you are a church that would like to lead your congregation, please get in touch with us @
- • This is a Non-Profit initiative of Inspired by Elohim Ministries and therefore will not cost volunteers money to join.
- • All training and material will be provided free of charge.
- • Our hearts are to obey the Lord and see His children have no lack during difficult economic times.
If you would like to donate to this project, please click here:
Your donation will help us purchase seed and trees, and acquire land where necessary, for our community leaders.