A genuine work of God may use money, but it is never dependent on money. It is dependent only on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Where any work is dependent on money, it is not a genuine work of God.
Jesus’ ministry was dependent only on the Holy Spirit. He did accept gifts of money from His followers for His work (Luke 8:2, 3).
Throughout the Scriptures we see that God asks His children to sow into His work. Whether it was to build the Temple or to sustain the livelihoods of His workers, God commands blessings upon those who give to the work of His hands.
Inspired By Elohim will seek to honor our Heavenly Father even in financial matters and use the wisdom of the Scriptures to direct our path financially.
We depend on the authority of the Holy Spirit to provide through others when He deems necessary.
Our prayer is to be content in all circumstances whether we live with lack or gain.
Father has commanded the blessing to each one who moves his heart to sow into what He has given this ministry to do.
This is the blessing for each seed that is sown…
A genuine work of God may use money, but it is never dependent on money. It is dependent only on the power of the Holy Spirit. Where any work is dependent on money, it is not a genuine work of God.
Jesus’ ministry was dependent only on the Holy Spirit. He did accept gifts of money from His followers for His work (Luke 8:2, 3).
Throughout the Scriptures we see that God asks His children to sow into His work. Whether it was to build the Temple or to sustain the livelihoods of His workers, God commands blessings upon those who give to the work of His hands.
Inspired By Elohim will seek to honor our Heavenly Father even in financial matters and use the wisdom of the Scriptures to direct our path financially.
We depend on the authority of the Holy Spirit to provide through others when He deems necessary.
Our prayer is to be content in all circumstances whether we live with lack or gain.
Father has commanded the blessing to each one who moves his heart to sow into what He has given this ministry to do.
This is the blessing for each seed that is sown…
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IBE Ministries NPC
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Branch Code – 256405
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Deuteronomy 28
1 “If you listen closely to what YHWH your God says, observing
and obeying all his mitzvot which I am giving you today, YHWH your God will
raise you high above all the nations on earth;
2 and all the following blessings will be yours in abundance -if you
will do what YHWH your God says:
3 “A blessing on you in the city, and a blessing on you in the
4 “A blessing on the fruit of your body, the fruit of your land
and the fruit of your livestock – the young of your cattle and flocks.
5 “A blessing on your grain-basket and kneading-bowl.
6 “A blessing on you when you go out, and a blessing on you
when you come in.
7 “YHWH will cause your enemies attacking you to be defeated
before you; they will advance on you one way and flee before you seven ways.
8 “YHWH will order a blessing to be with you in your barns and
in everything you undertake; he will bless you in the land YHWH your God is
giving you.
9 “YHWH will establish you as a people separated out for
himself, as he has sworn to you – if you will observe the mitzvot of YHWH your
God and follow his ways.
10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that YHWH’s name, his
presence, is with you; so that they will be afraid of you.
11 “YHWH will give you great abundance of good things – of the
fruit of your body, the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your land in
the land YHWH swore to your ancestors to give you.
12 YHWH will open for you his good treasure, the sky, to give
your land its rain at the right seasons and to bless everything you undertake.
You will lend to many nations and not borrow;
13 YHWH will make you the head and not the tail; and you will be
only above, never below – if you will listen to, observe and obey the mitzvot
of YHWH your God
14 and not turn away from any of the words I am ordering you today,
neither to the right nor to the left, to follow after other gods and serve
Deuteronomy 28
1 “If you listen closely to what YHWH your God says, observing and obeying all his mitzvot which I am giving you today, YHWH your God will raise you high above all the nations on earth; 2 and all the following blessings will be yours in abundance -if you will do what YHWH your God says: 3 “A blessing on you in the city, and a blessing on you in the
countryside. 4 “A blessing on the fruit of your body, the fruit of your land and the fruit of your livestock – the young of your cattle and flocks. 5 “A blessing on your grain-basket and kneading-bowl. 6 “A blessing on you when you go out, and a blessing on you when you come in. 7 “YHWH will cause your enemies attacking you to be defeated before you; they will advance on you one way and flee before you seven ways.
8 “YHWH will order a blessing to be with you in your barns and in everything you undertake; he will bless you in the land YHWH your God is giving you.
9 “YHWH will establish you as a people separated out for himself, as he has sworn to you – if you will observe the mitzvot of YHWH your God and follow his ways. 10 Then all the peoples on earth will see that YHWH’s name, his presence, is with you; so that they will be afraid of you. 11 “YHWH will give you great abundance of good things – of the fruit of your body, the fruit of your livestock and the fruit of your land in the land YHWH swore to your ancestors to give you. 12 YHWH will open for you his good treasure, the sky, to give your land its rain at the right seasons and to bless everything you undertake. You will lend to many nations and not borrow; 13 YHWH will make you the head and not the tail; and you will be only above, never below – if you will listen to, observe and obey the mitzvot
of YHWH your God 14 and not turn away from any of the words I am ordering you today, neither to the right nor to the left, to follow after other gods and serve them.