Sharing of personal testimonies will bring others one step closer to finding the courage to start this journey.

Testimonies and Victories
Testimonies and Victories
An Amazing Journey Awaits
Working through The Kingdom of Darkness is an intense journey, it requires a resolute mind and resolve to continue – no matter what.
We are very excited for the new found freedom that is being received in peoples lives, we are too very grateful for their testimonies that have been shared with us.
May we all stand in unity and march forward as we declare victory in our lives through the Lord Jesus Christ.
Deeper Love
What a blessing this book has been so far!
Every scripture, experience, and testimony personally speaks to me so deeply.
Every topic discussed has been an answer to my prayers and what I have been seeking answers to for so long.
I have gained a deeper understanding of the Lords word, thoughts, and desires, and have been able to apply it to my life.
Reading this book has rekindled a deeper love, and therefore relationship, with my Saviour. I have had some strong deliverance and intense interactions with the Holy Spirit in our prayer meetings and by being obedient to the teachings.
Every believer needs to read this book and put it into practice!
Opens up your mind
Hello everyone. I want to testify on this book that Rebekah wrote with the Holy spirit leading her.
It has greatly opened my eyes to what is really going on in our lives. People, me included, are so blind to what’s going on in our lives. We are really not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and evil spirits.
This book opens up your mind and you get this wisdom from the holy spirit. I can’t describe it. You have to read it for yourself.
I was busy with a certain chapter, then one night in the early morning hours, I woke up praying out loud. My whole body was shaking and I was scared, so I kept on praying. Then suddenly, it felt as if something was sucked out of me. Very weird… Then I fell back asleep. I believe it was Father that set me free from something.
This book is absolutely from Abba, to all His children. To have the keys, to be set free. Hallelujah all praise to God almighty.
Find a new joy and peace
This book was such a blessing to me! I discovered so many bondages that kept me from completely walking in the debt I really want to with the Lord.
This book helped me to look deeply into my past and things that I tried to drown out, to face it, and of course giving it to Jesus. For so long I asked the Lord to help and open my eyes to these principalities. And He did. I know the Lord is preparing us and equipping us to be able to stand in these end times against the darkness.
With this newfound wisdom, it makes it easier to know how to direct my prayers, and how to help people that struggle in certain areas, showing and teaching them about these principalities. Shame has disappeared in my life and I feel at peace with the Lord.
I know He loves me and what He is doing is amazing!
This book is definitely a life-changer, and certain things in your life and behaviors you have, will make so much sense as you read each chapter, and as you break these chains over your life you will find a new joy and peace which you never knew before. Thank You Jesus!
It equips you with deeper understanding
This book, The Kingdom of Darkness, has been a huge eye opener for me and my walk with Jesus. The healing from oppressive habits has completely changed my life.
Our loving God really wants His people to, not only overcome the forces of darkness in their personal lives and the lives of their families, but also to become effective prayer warriors for His army.
This book shines a light on how to identify and also equips one, to overcome these evil forces.
If you have ever felt that you have reached a plateau or a dead-end in your walk of Faith…if you KNOW there is more to it but nothing is shifting – The Kingdom of Darkness will bring deeper understanding, ignite compassion, strengthen your faith and deepen your love – it will enable you to use your Bible effectively as a prayer warrior.
Your Bible will become a devastating Sword of the Spirit, also a brilliant Helmet of Salvation, your shining Breastplate of Righteousness, your firm Belt of Truth, your protective Shield of Faith, and your steadfast Sandals of the Gospel of Peace!
All praise and glory to God! Hallelu-Yah!
Many thanks and blessings to all involved, for your patience, courage and prayers.
Highlights our dependency on Christ
The Kingdom of Darkness is an intense piece of reading, uncovering the complexity of sin.
It has created an awareness about the dark forces at work withholding us from eternal life.
It is perhaps so easy to overlook certain human behavior as normal and human. Unbeknownst it could be your worst sin.
Highlights our complete dependency on Christ our Saviour.
Teaches you about the enemy
Hi everyone I wanna share my experience since I started reading this book.
A transformation took place in my life I was going through a spiritual path every page I read and suddenly the enemy got furious about it and started acting me physical n financial.
Today I’m proud of how it all went down cause every chapter in the book u must go through it for u to understand n have a clear picture of what the lord is teaching u about the enemy, the victory belong to the most high our king our lord our master because of the love he has for us
I have been set free in many ways
On 17/09/2021, I was invited to join IBE. I joined on 20/09/2021. On 22/09/2021 the Book was Kingdom of Darkness Chapters 1,2,3,4,7,8 was emailed to me.
I was addicted to smoking marijuana since the age of 16, I am now 47. I have shifted my will, I have chosen the narrow gate, I have chosen the righteous path. I have not smoked since. I am working through the Book which explains the strongholds of the principalities that have and are still to some degree operating in my life. I have been set free in many ways from various kinds of bondage.
I thank our Almighty Heavenly Father for putting IBE across my path. I have recommitted my life to the One and only Living God. I could not have done so without the help of the God-given guidance in this Book as to how to overcome.
I am still having to work through the book again, do the homework diligently, fast again, pray daily to continue to rid myself of some left over fleshlies that I have hung on to, but I know that with this Book, with the IBE Ministry prayer group that I part of, I know that with all the members praying for me daily, I am uplifted, encouraged, and inspired to Live for Christ and die to self every day.
I can do all things through Chris who strengthens me.
I am so grateful to Rebeckah and David for sharing their personal life story with us through the Book, for being so transparent so that we too can lay open our sins one before another, and heal. I am committed in Jesus Name to walking daily in His presence. I put off the flesh. I choose Spirit.
Thank you IBE for all the prayers in the Book that we can pray, thank you for being faithful to your calling, so that we too, may grow in Christ. To all in the group, far and wide, thank you!
May God continue to use us mightily for reaching souls for His Kingdom, through our transformed lives!
A spiritual cleansing of my heart
Dear Rebeckah
Thank you for allowing me to be one of the first few who got to read the book as you progress.
I can say that it has been a spiritual cleansing of my heart. I love how each chapter reveals the heart of God for us and then the example of the various principalities that wreaks havoc in our lives if we don’t notice and bind these wicked spirits, often we don’t even detect them and are oblivious.
The book also provides the reader with prayers of repentance and sound Bible scriptures applicable that we can use to pray and decree and bind. This has been so very powerful and I just know my Spirit is growing daily.
I have had moments and days where I cried so much as the truth often cuts deep but was so healing and the Holy Spirit showed me where I was needing healing and to repent of my actions.
I thank you Rebeckah for you faithfulness and obedience to Abba Father in this Huge Task.
Well done and God bless you! You are a true Woman of God and so very Inspirational.
I would encourage anyone reading this book to do so with patience and loving care, take your time ,even re-read the chapters if you are unclear.
I know I will need to re-read and refresh, Allo Holy Spirit to speak to you in a way you know.
Blessing and Thanks
Adversity to Freedom
I would like to testify to the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Ministry of Rebecca and David Erlank. I had been following there ministry for the last two years and watched all the Profecies and videos posted on You Tube and I knew in my heart the Ministry was set up and led by God.
When there was a call to request a person to be a Lighthouse for there area and join a prayer group focused on the same the Holy Spirit led me to join . I did not know at this stage what was ahead of me but I knew I was doing God’s Will. After the chapters were being released one by one by the new book written by Rebecca I started to see the cracks, shortfalls and baggage I have carried around for years and the sin that was binding my spirit from total freedom. I sought prayer from David and Rebecca and was delivered from spirit of fear, aniexty, anger, bitterness and later rejection and shame. The prayer was the platform to release my spirit from these demon forces binding my soul for all these years. For me surrender in full was the key to full deliverance. Now I have had some very hard moments to bear with as well since the prayer and there is a daily surrender and putting on the full armour of God but this is the only way to true peace and happiness.
When you read the book your own life experiences flash by as you bear witness to similar experiences in your own life.
I recently had a very bad week where Satan tried to tell me I was not committed enough to the Group I was a failure etc etc and I exited the Group. If only I can explain the emptiness pain and anxiety in return I begged to be reinstated.
The weak must confess they are strong despite the challenges but I believe 100% in the Ministry and Calling of David and Rebecca and humbly submit to the same . Blessings to all
Freedom and realization
Things began to make sense and I could move as an apostle since I have been reading the book. I haven’t finished reading all chapters but I am seeing change and progress. This book was sent to me at a point where I had already given up and dont want anything to do with being an apostle. I don’t want to pray, fellowship let alone function as an apostle but as soon as I read the book I could see what was wrong, repent and grow.
Sout en Water
Ek het die boodskap gehoor van sout en water en daaroor gedink nie dit gedoen nie. Dit was paasnaweek dink ek.
2 weke terug stuur n vriendin n foto uit n Kinderbyblel gestuur wat sy vir haar seun lees oor Elisa en sout en water. In dieselfde week vertel my sussie my van die 7 dae profesië. Ek het toe sout gevat en gaan ingooi in die rivier.
Dinsdag bel my ander sussie my ek vertel haar van die sout en water. Na ek met haar gepraat het, het ek Bybelstudie gedoen en in my Bybelstudie was dit in 1 Konings 2. Ek neem n foto en stuur dit vir my sussie. Sy bly baie ver van my af en gaan koop gas en hulle het haar te veel gevra. Sy sê toe dis okay sy gaan gou koffie koop terwyl hy uitvind hoe om die transaksie reg te maak. Sy stap buite en tel blare op en n oom stop langs haar en gesels oor die blare. Hy vra haar uit die bloute. Wat se water drink sy? Sy verduidelik vir hom en sy sê, “dis baie vreemd ek en my sussie het vanoggend oor die water gepraat en sy het dit ook per toeval in haar Bybel gelees vandag” en sy wys hom die foto wat ek gestuur het. Hy verkoop living water en daai einste stuk in die Bybel is groot op sy winkel se venster geplak. Ek dink God wil vir my iets sê oor die water. Nie ek of my man verdien inkomste nie. Maar ek weet dat Hy n boodskap vir my het. Baie dankie.
Liefde Tamara
Deeper Love
What a blessing this book has been so far!
Every scripture, experience, and testimony personally speaks to me so deeply.
Every topic discussed has been an answer to my prayers and what I have been seeking answers to for so long.
I have gained a deeper understanding of the Lords word, thoughts, and desires, and have been able to apply it to my life.
Reading this book has rekindled a deeper love, and therefore relationship, with my Saviour. I have had some strong deliverance and intense interactions with the Holy Spirit in our prayer meetings and by being obedient to the teachings.
Every believer needs to read this book and put it into practice!
Opens up your mind
Hello everyone. I want to testify on this book that Rebekah wrote with the Holy spirit leading her.
It has greatly opened my eyes to what is really going on in our lives. People, me included, are so blind to what’s going on in our lives. We are really not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and evil spirits.
This book opens up your mind and you get this wisdom from the holy spirit. I can’t describe it. You have to read it for yourself.
I was busy with a certain chapter, then one night in the early morning hours, I woke up praying out loud. My whole body was shaking and I was scared, so I kept on praying. Then suddenly, it felt as if something was sucked out of me. Very weird… Then I fell back asleep. I believe it was Father that set me free from something.
This book is absolutely from Abba, to all His children. To have the keys, to be set free. Hallelujah all praise to God almighty.
Find a new joy and peace
This book was such a blessing to me! I discovered so many bondages that kept me from completely walking in the debt I really want to with the Lord.
This book helped me to look deeply into my past and things that I tried to drown out, to face it, and of course giving it to Jesus. For so long I asked the Lord to help and open my eyes to these principalities. And He did. I know the Lord is preparing us and equipping us to be able to stand in these end times against the darkness.
With this newfound wisdom, it makes it easier to know how to direct my prayers, and how to help people that struggle in certain areas, showing and teaching them about these principalities. Shame has disappeared in my life and I feel at peace with the Lord.
I know He loves me and what He is doing is amazing!
This book is definitely a life-changer, and certain things in your life and behaviors you have, will make so much sense as you read each chapter, and as you break these chains over your life you will find a new joy and peace which you never knew before. Thank You Jesus!
It equips you with deeper understanding
This book, The Kingdom of Darkness, has been a huge eye opener for me and my walk with Jesus. The healing from oppressive habits has completely changed my life.
Our loving God really wants His people to, not only overcome the forces of darkness in their personal lives and the lives of their families, but also to become effective prayer warriors for His army.
This book shines a light on how to identify and also equips one, to overcome these evil forces.
If you have ever felt that you have reached a plateau or a dead-end in your walk of Faith…if you KNOW there is more to it but nothing is shifting – The Kingdom of Darkness will bring deeper understanding, ignite compassion, strengthen your faith and deepen your love – it will enable you to use your Bible effectively as a prayer warrior.
Your Bible will become a devastating Sword of the Spirit, also a brilliant Helmet of Salvation, your shining Breastplate of Righteousness, your firm Belt of Truth, your protective Shield of Faith, and your steadfast Sandals of the Gospel of Peace!
All praise and glory to God! Hallelu-Yah!
Many thanks and blessings to all involved, for your patience, courage and prayers.
Highlights our dependency on Christ
The Kingdom of Darkness is an intense piece of reading, uncovering the complexity of sin.
It has created an awareness about the dark forces at work withholding us from eternal life.
It is perhaps so easy to overlook certain human behavior as normal and human. Unbeknownst it could be your worst sin.
Highlights our complete dependency on Christ our Saviour.
Teaches you about the enemy
Hi everyone I wanna share my experience since I started reading this book.
A transformation took place in my life I was going through a spiritual path every page I read and suddenly the enemy got furious about it and started acting me physical n financial.
Today I’m proud of how it all went down cause every chapter in the book u must go through it for u to understand n have a clear picture of what the lord is teaching u about the enemy, the victory belong to the most high our king our lord our master because of the love he has for us
I have been set free in many ways
On 17/09/2021, I was invited to join IBE. I joined on 20/09/2021. On 22/09/2021 the Book was Kingdom of Darkness Chapters 1,2,3,4,7,8 was emailed to me.
I was addicted to smoking marijuana since the age of 16, I am now 47. I have shifted my will, I have chosen the narrow gate, I have chosen the righteous path. I have not smoked since. I am working through the Book which explains the strongholds of the principalities that have and are still to some degree operating in my life. I have been set free in many ways from various kinds of bondage.
I thank our Almighty Heavenly Father for putting IBE across my path. I have recommitted my life to the One and only Living God. I could not have done so without the help of the God-given guidance in this Book as to how to overcome.
I am still having to work through the book again, do the homework diligently, fast again, pray daily to continue to rid myself of some left over fleshlies that I have hung on to, but I know that with this Book, with the IBE Ministry prayer group that I part of, I know that with all the members praying for me daily, I am uplifted, encouraged, and inspired to Live for Christ and die to self every day.
I can do all things through Chris who strengthens me.
I am so grateful to Rebeckah and David for sharing their personal life story with us through the Book, for being so transparent so that we too can lay open our sins one before another, and heal. I am committed in Jesus Name to walking daily in His presence. I put off the flesh. I choose Spirit.
Thank you IBE for all the prayers in the Book that we can pray, thank you for being faithful to your calling, so that we too, may grow in Christ. To all in the group, far and wide, thank you!
May God continue to use us mightily for reaching souls for His Kingdom, through our transformed lives!
A spiritual cleansing of my heart
Dear Rebeckah
Thank you for allowing me to be one of the first few who got to read the book as you progress.
I can say that it has been a spiritual cleansing of my heart. I love how each chapter reveals the heart of God for us and then the example of the various principalities that wreaks havoc in our lives if we don’t notice and bind these wicked spirits, often we don’t even detect them and are oblivious.
The book also provides the reader with prayers of repentance and sound Bible scriptures applicable that we can use to pray and decree and bind. This has been so very powerful and I just know my Spirit is growing daily.
I have had moments and days where I cried so much as the truth often cuts deep but was so healing and the Holy Spirit showed me where I was needing healing and to repent of my actions.
I thank you Rebeckah for you faithfulness and obedience to Abba Father in this Huge Task.
Well done and God bless you! You are a true Woman of God and so very Inspirational.
I would encourage anyone reading this book to do so with patience and loving care, take your time ,even re-read the chapters if you are unclear.
I know I will need to re-read and refresh, Allo Holy Spirit to speak to you in a way you know.
Blessing and Thanks
Adversity to Freedom
I would like to testify to the greatness of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Ministry of Rebecca and David Erlank. I had been following there ministry for the last two years and watched all the Profecies and videos posted on You Tube and I knew in my heart the Ministry was set up and led by God.
When there was a call to request a person to be a Lighthouse for there area and join a prayer group focused on the same the Holy Spirit led me to join . I did not know at this stage what was ahead of me but I knew I was doing God’s Will. After the chapters were being released one by one by the new book written by Rebecca I started to see the cracks, shortfalls and baggage I have carried around for years and the sin that was binding my spirit from total freedom. I sought prayer from David and Rebecca and was delivered from spirit of fear, aniexty, anger, bitterness and later rejection and shame. The prayer was the platform to release my spirit from these demon forces binding my soul for all these years. For me surrender in full was the key to full deliverance. Now I have had some very hard moments to bear with as well since the prayer and there is a daily surrender and putting on the full armour of God but this is the only way to true peace and happiness.
When you read the book your own life experiences flash by as you bear witness to similar experiences in your own life.
I recently had a very bad week where Satan tried to tell me I was not committed enough to the Group I was a failure etc etc and I exited the Group. If only I can explain the emptiness pain and anxiety in return I begged to be reinstated.
The weak must confess they are strong despite the challenges but I believe 100% in the Ministry and Calling of David and Rebecca and humbly submit to the same . Blessings to all
Freedom and realization
Things began to make sense and I could move as an apostle since I have been reading the book. I haven’t finished reading all chapters but I am seeing change and progress. This book was sent to me at a point where I had already given up and dont want anything to do with being an apostle. I don’t want to pray, fellowship let alone function as an apostle but as soon as I read the book I could see what was wrong, repent and grow.
Sout en Water
Ek het die boodskap gehoor van sout en water en daaroor gedink nie dit gedoen nie. Dit was paasnaweek dink ek.
2 weke terug stuur n vriendin n foto uit n Kinderbyblel gestuur wat sy vir haar seun lees oor Elisa en sout en water. In dieselfde week vertel my sussie my van die 7 dae profesië. Ek het toe sout gevat en gaan ingooi in die rivier.
Dinsdag bel my ander sussie my ek vertel haar van die sout en water. Na ek met haar gepraat het, het ek Bybelstudie gedoen en in my Bybelstudie was dit in 1 Konings 2. Ek neem n foto en stuur dit vir my sussie. Sy bly baie ver van my af en gaan koop gas en hulle het haar te veel gevra. Sy sê toe dis okay sy gaan gou koffie koop terwyl hy uitvind hoe om die transaksie reg te maak. Sy stap buite en tel blare op en n oom stop langs haar en gesels oor die blare. Hy vra haar uit die bloute. Wat se water drink sy? Sy verduidelik vir hom en sy sê, “dis baie vreemd ek en my sussie het vanoggend oor die water gepraat en sy het dit ook per toeval in haar Bybel gelees vandag” en sy wys hom die foto wat ek gestuur het. Hy verkoop living water en daai einste stuk in die Bybel is groot op sy winkel se venster geplak. Ek dink God wil vir my iets sê oor die water. Nie ek of my man verdien inkomste nie. Maar ek weet dat Hy n boodskap vir my het. Baie dankie.
Liefde Tamara