
House of Prayer

Our prayer ministry is the foundation of our entire ministry.  We view it as the most important calling upon our lives.  We believe that heaven moves on earth when we send up the sweet incense before God, called prayer.  The Spirit of God has released fresh revelation to us in the last few months about the kingdom of darkness.  In these months we have learned why our prayers have not been effective to stand against the darkness upon this earth and bring the Light of Jesus to destroy the enemy.  Now we have the tools necessary to be effective in prayer by the leading of the Holy Spirit.  We understand what is necessary to storm the gates of hell and it shall not prevail against us.

We are standing against principalities and powers in the heavenlies corporately to see the kingdom of darkness destroyed upon each town and eventually nations.  We are looking for individuals that will join this movement and receive the necessary tools and support from us, to pray every day for each town that gets added to our map.  We are raising up an end-time army to defeat the enemy by the Spirit of the living God and His holy angels.  If you would like to be a part of the House of Prayer please register.

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