Uncover the Roots
Uncover the Roots an extract from the Holy Spirit-inspired book, The Kingdom of Darkness.
6 Week Course with Apostle Rebeckah Erlank
- Free access to 3 chapters in the book, the Kingdom of Darkness*
- Content that is easily accessible and printable*
- 6 Live classes with Apostle Rebeckah Erlank**
- Prayers of repentance and deliverance
- Access to fellowship and prayer group
- Personal profile for easy course access
- One-on-one live prayer sessions with Prophet Lizelle Viljoen
- Learn to live in the victory of Christ
*All material is supplied in printable A4 PDF format.
**Live Video Meetings are recorded and loaded for access to those who missed the meetings.
Payment Options
- Full Payment
- Split Payment
Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
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