Begin Your Journey with Us
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalms 119:105
The book “The Kingdom of Darkness” is accessible through 3 different options below.
Work through all 9 chapters of the book for free, in an online course setting. All you have to do is register to gain access to the course. Please take note, this option does not allow you to download or print the book. You can only read through it on our website by logging in to your profile.
Work through all 9 chapters of the book and receive 18 video teachings all included for R880. With option 2 you will be able to download and print the workbooks.
Gain access to all 9 chapters of the book via an audio book download for only R200. The link can be downloaded to your audiobook app on your phone, tablet or laptop.
Begin Your Journey with Us
Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Psalms 119:105
The book “The Kingdom of Darkness” is accessible through 3 different options below.
Work through all 9 chapters of the book for free, in an online course setting. All you have to do is register to gain access to the course. Please take note, this option does not allow you to download or print the book. You can only read through it on our website by logging in to your profile.
Work through all 9 chapters of the book and receive 18 video teachings all included for R880. With option 2 you will be able to download and print the workbooks.
Gain access to all 9 chapters of the book via an audio book download for only R200. The link can be downloaded to your audiobook app on your phone, tablet or laptop.
Free Course

Receive all 9 chapters in our online course
Receive all 9 chapters in our online course
God is exposing principalities to the church as never before, opening our eyes to see the evil influence that has been blinding the church. Gain vital understanding to navigate the snares of the enemy and receive the keys to unlock victory in your life. Learn to walk from darkness to light.
Please register to gain access to your course and create your own login details. Follow the link below to begin the registration process.
God is exposing principalities to the church as never before, opening our eyes to see the evil influence that has been blinding the church. Gain vital understanding to navigate the snares of the enemy and receive the keys to unlock victory in your life. Learn to walk from darkness to light.
Please register to gain access to your course and create your own login details. Follow the link below to begin the registration process.
Online Course R880

Receive all 9 chapters in our online course
Receive all 9 chapters in our online course
God is exposing principalities to the church as never before, opening our eyes to see the evil influence that has been blinding the church. Gain vital understanding to navigate the snares of the enemy and receive the keys to unlock victory in your life. Learn to walk from darkness to light.
Included in this course is 18 video teachings by Apostle Rebeckah Erlank, taking you through each chapter of the book. You are also able to download and print each booklet for ease of study.
After payment, please register to gain access to your course and create your own login details. Follow the link below to begin the registration process.
God is exposing principalities to the church as never before, opening our eyes to see the evil influence that has been blinding the church. Gain vital understanding to navigate the snares of the enemy and receive the keys to unlock victory in your life. Learn to walk from darkness to light.
Included in this course is 18 video teachings by Apostle Rebeckah Erlank, taking you through each chapter of the book. You are also able to download and print each booklet for ease of study.
After payment, please register to gain access to your course and create your own login details. Follow the link below to begin the registration process.
Online Course R880

Course Summary
The course takes you on a personal journey that has been 100% inspired by the Holy Spirit. He has unlocked the mysteries of the Kingdom of Darkness as never before seen. Throughout the course you will uncover the darkness that has held you captive, bound you in chains & prevented you from tasting and experiencing the Light of Christ.
This journey is an eye-opener to every believer in Christ with many already baring amazing testimony of their strengthened, revived and renewed walk with Christ. It is a journey that has already transformed the lives of many who were broken and lost. Many have found the courage to go on this journey with us and it has transformed their lives.
Follow Jesus on this path, out of darkness and into His glorious light.
Course Summary
The course takes you on a personal journey that has been 100% inspired by the Holy Spirit. He has unlocked the mysteries of the Kingdom of Darkness as never before seen. Throughout the course you will uncover the darkness that has held you captive, bound you in chains & prevented you from tasting and experiencing the Light of Christ.
This journey is an eye-opener to every believer in Christ with many already baring amazing testimony of their strengthened, revived and renewed walk with Christ. It is a journey that has already transformed the lives of many who were broken and lost. Many have found the courage to go on this journey with us and it has transformed their lives.
Follow Jesus on this path, out of darkness and into His glorious light.
Begin Your Journey with Us
A Deeper Look at the Course
A Deeper Look at the Course
Chapters 1 to 3

Discover the enemy's strategy in ruling our fallen world.
Discover the enemy's strategy in ruling our fallen world.
God is exposing principalities to the church as never before, opening our eyes to see the evil influence that has been blinding the church. Gain vital understanding to navigate the snares of the enemy and receive the keys to unlock victory in your life. Learn to walk from darkness to light.
Chapters 4 to 6

Begin a journey of deep exposing and healing.
Begin a journey of deep exposing and healing.
This journey will give you insight into why you went through what you did in your life. Find answers to questions you never thought you would find and discover the path of healing that you never realized you had, in Jesus. On this journey we will dig deep into your heart to purify, cleanse and bring you to a new path of deep surrender and love in Jesus.
Chapters 7 to 9

Understand what goes on in the heart of man.
Understand what goes on in the heart of man.
Here we dive into the afflicting strongmen of the heart.
We all suffer the same challenges, pains, longings and defeats but what are they exactly and why is humanity suffering at the hands of these strongmen?
Learn and see what is dominating your heart and keeping your relationship with Jesus at a point of void. Break into new understanding of the tactics and wyles of the enemy and cleanse the roots of your heart.
Course Structure
IBE Ministry Courses are conducted through an online learning program, users are provided with course access and access to Video footage from previously completed courses.
Course students work through the material at their own pace, in their own time.
Course Structure
IBE Ministry Courses are conducted through an online learning program, users are provided with course access and access to Video footage from previously completed courses.
Course students work through the material at their own pace, in their own time.
Opens up your mind
It has greatly opened my eyes to what is really going on in our lives. People, me included, are so blind to what’s going on in our lives. We are really not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities and evil spirits.
This book opens up your mind and you get this wisdom from the holy spirit. I can’t describe it. You have to read it for yourself.
I was busy with a certain chapter, then one night in the early morning hours, I woke up praying out loud. My whole body was shaking and I was scared, so I kept on praying. Then suddenly, it felt as if something was sucked out of me. Very weird… Then I fell back asleep. I believe it was Father that set me free from something.
This book is absolutely from Abba, to all His children. To have the keys, to be set free. Hallelujah all praise to God almighty.
Highlights our dependency on Christ
It has created an awareness about the dark forces at work withholding us from eternal life.
It is perhaps so easy to overlook certain human behavior as normal and human. Unbeknownst it could be your worst sin.
Highlights our complete dependency on Christ our Saviour.
Teaches you about the enemy
A transformation took place in my life I was going through a spiritual path every page I read and suddenly the enemy got furious about it and started acting me physical n financial.
Today I’m proud of how it all went down cause every chapter in the book u must go through it for u to understand n have a clear picture of what the lord is teaching u about the enemy, the victory belong to the most high our king our lord our master because of the love he has for us